How Do They Find You?

The movie, "Field of Dreams", starring Kevin Costner and James Earl Jones, made this line famous: "If you build it, they will come." That idea worked great in the movie but it is a whole different ballpark when it comes to a web site or an email campaign. The only way to attract traffic on the Internet is to PROMOTE. And the key to successful online promotion is to know HOW your traffic found you. Why? Because when you know HOW your traffic found you then you will know what is working for you so that you can not only maintain it, but also increase it. With an email campaign, it is absolutely essential to code your mailings in order to discover which one is bringing you results. The easiest way to do that is by the use of Auto-Responders. There are a host of FREE Auto-Responder services that will allow you to acquire as many FREE responders as you need. For a "List of FREE Auto-Responder Services", send a blank email to our Auto-Responder at: For example, you are promoting an ad service that pays you 50% commission. You run one ad in a newsletter, another is done via your signature in posting to a business list and still another ad is exposed via FFA Link submissions. You can code your ads simply by calling them ad001, ad002, ad003. When you receive a reply to ad001, you will know it came from the newsletter, ad002 will be a response to your signature and ad003 will be from your FFA Link submission. Use whatever code is appropriate for you but the important thing to remember to code it and know to what it pertains. If you have your own web site, your hosting provider might already provide you with the tools you need to track your traffic. All you would need to do is access your log info and review which web pages are getting the traffic and study where the traffic is coming from to visit you. If you do not have access to such info from you host provider, there are many good FREE online stat services you can use. Here are just a few: HitBox What does HitBox report?