Dreams Suck

One of the worst things you can have in your life is a dream. Dreams are inconsiderate. They demand your attention when you're busy doing less important things with your life. There you are, unconsciously whiling away your day when -- BAM! -- out of nowhere comes this crazy dream, prodding you in a different direction; what a nuisance that can be. Dreams are unreasonable. They always seem to involve something new, or something bold, or something just downright wonderful. Not your average fare, to say the least. Where do these dreams come from? Disneyland? I mean, talk about having your head in the clouds. Dreams are pests. You ignore them. You cleverly explain to them why they're impossible. You even give them a shot every once in a while, only to watch them fail miserably. And yet they keep coming back. Don't they learn? Dreams are flirts. They tease us. They're constantly showing us more leg, more cleavage, whatever it takes to get us aroused yet again. And the worst part is that it works. Off we go on yet another tantalizing dream date, only to trudge back to reality months, weeks, days, hours or even minutes later, feeling not a little ashamed for our indulgence of fantasy. Yes, dreams suck. Fortunately, I've found an effective way to get around all this. I must warn you though; it's a radical approach. Do this, and your dream problems will be over once and for all. Here it is... Believe your dream will come true. Believe your dream will come true, and suddenly it won't be demanding your attention, because it will already have it. Believe your dream will come true, and suddenly it won't be unreasonable, because you believe it is possible. Believe your dream will come true, and suddenly it won't be a pest, because it will always be there, encouraging you. Believe your dream will come true, and suddenly it won't be a flirt, because you'll finally get to go all the way with it. Yes, dreams suck. But only if you don't believe they'll come true. Copyright (c) Grant Pasay 2005. All rights reserved. You may forward this article in its entirety to anyone you wish.