Black Is White

This is purely for the sake of argument, not to be taken too seriously. Can I prove black is white? Of course I can. To do this we must first learn a little about the basics of colour before I can argue the case. If a light from a bulb is white it means it is emitting all three primary colours, red, green and blue. These three colours when combined form the colour white. So there you are, sat in your living room on a dark evening and the white light illuminates the room. As you look around the room you see a red object, perhaps a book with a red cover. What you are seeing is the reflection of the light from the bulb that is illuminating the room. The book itself does not give off any light of its own. You see the book as red because the chemicals used to make the cover absorb the green and blue part of the white light from the bulb. As such the book is absorbing green and blue light, only reflecting the red light. Light is a form of radiation, along with x-rays, gamma rays, radio waves and radiated heat. Now if an object absorbs another form of radiation, such as radiated heat, we say the book has become warm. If the book absorbs x-rays we would say it has become irradiated. Is it not therefore logical to say the book has become irradiated with green and blue light, it is green and blue, we have only seen the reflected red light. And so this reasoning can be applied to black is white. If the book is black, this means it has absorbed all three colours of the light source. The three colours, red, green and blue, when combined make white. As such the book has absorbed white and become white, we only see the remnants of light reflected by imperfect colours. So there you have it, the book we are told all our lives is black, is itself actually white. This offers some interesting insights. All my life I have been told that this object is black. Everyone else calls it black and to be able to communicate I need to call it black too. But from the book's perspective it is white. It has absorbed white so it has become white. Take a little time to think how this analogy might be applied to people, cultures and society. Don't be obvious and think of racial implications. Think of how you see other people and how they might see themselves. Think of what you have always been told is fact and how this might differ from someone else's point of view. Open your mind to someone else's perspective. They might look green to you, but they have absorbed red and blue, so they are purple.