How to get a Free Tarot Card Reading online

At we get a lot of emails asking for answers to people's problems. These problems range from the trivial to the heart-rendingly important. All of them, however, can be subjected to a tarot reading and subsequent interpretation. The problem is, a lot of people can't afford a professional tarot card reading, and worse, live too far away to attend a reading. So what can we do? Easy. We can offer an online free tarot card reading. It is for this reason that the boffins at have come up with a page that allows me to offer my own interpretation of a standard 5 card tarot spread online, free, and instantaneously. Until you try this free tarot reading, you won't have any idea of how useful such readings can be. Simply head on over to ht tp:// for your free tarot card reading. In case you are interested, the '5 card spread' is one of the oldest and most reliable of the available tarot card spreads, and is most suitable for readings involving 'spiritual' rather the 'mundane' questions. For this reason it is often used with just the cards of the major arcana. The first card is the present or general context of the reading, the 'Now' if you will. The second card is the past - what previous influences have brought you to ask this question. The third card is the future - what outcomes are possible given your current position and previous momentum. The fourth card illuminates the reason for the question, and may even shed more light on card 2 - the past. The last and fifth card is the potential in the situation - given all that has been explained to you, what paths are likely to open up for you to deal with the question, and what outcomes can result if you follow them? The fouth card (reason for the question) often highlights a subconscious or hidden impulse which may in fact be the blockage you need to overcome in order to move forward. The fifth card offers possible outcomes if you choose to follow your preferred path. So go to ht tp://, forumlate the question in your mind, let the cards shuffle online, then read my interpretation! Goodbye and godspeed!