Joseph of Arimathaea - Part One:

Have you heard about the Glastonbury Thorn tree that is a Palestinian Thorn found only in Palestine? It is said to have originated with the arrival of Joseph of Arimathaea in what is now England, with the family of Jesus after they spent time in the south of France. Joseph stuck it in the ground to indicate they too would stick on that ground where he had business dealings for all of his life in the tin trade with the Cassiterrides or Cornwall. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle knew about this Phoenician conglomerate and its trade. There was an oracle of the Sibyl/Dryads teaching who had a following and she was named Almathaea or something of a similar spelling in one of the many languages, throughout the Mediterranean. Here is a trail (the money trail) that is wisely traveled and makes a lot of common sense full of motive and opportunity. Linguists are now certain that Hebrew is a Phoenician language. The 'arch-tectons' or family of Jesus might have been the designers of the Pyramids and of Keltic origin. Is this a mystery, a fable or the over-indulgent rationale of a person seeking a unique perspective on 'his'-story. You will be the judge and hopefully you will check further along the trail and see many other authors who are connecting this picture in quite forensic manners and with common sense beyond the level of the purely mythical and useful Bible Narrative. This re-working of Jesus and his family, or the 'source' of his teaching is quite an important part of what our lives and laws still are governed by, we think. Is this Hebrew the sacerdotal code that pre-existed hieroglyphics which Flinders-Petrie said was around for thousand(s) of years. That is what Connor MacDari and my Ogham scholar would say, on the path back to Ogham. Clearly last year