World Ascension

ASCENSION BY THERESA CHAZE Ascension is a two-fold process. In order for a species to fully join the spiritual realms, ascension must happen both on an individual level and for the whole society in which it lives. The spiritual and evolutionary processes are permanently connected. You can not climb the spiritual ladder until the physical body has been prepared to accept the increased bioelectrical impulses. The physical mutations happen over generations as souls chose parents whose genetics will allow them to progress. As more souls become aware of the process, they become more discriminating of where they shall incarnate. Therefore, creating an impropriate grouping of higher developed souls in certain regions, while others have a disproportioned of the underdeveloped souls. This imbalance is causing many of the current social, economic, and cultural problems, which have created fear, hatred and violence. The ascension process is best related to the Eastern theories of Chakras. There are seven main chakras. The first is located at the base of the spine. It is the center of the survival instinct--the inborn need to fight or flight. It is characterized by the fear of the unknown. Its energy is seen primarily as red. The second chakra is the need to create, whether it is to perpetuate the species or in higher developed souls to investigate new ideas, create works of art, and to challenge the known knowledge. Its location is two inches below the belly button. Its energy pattern is seen as orange. The third chakra is the power center of the individual. It is where the individuals self worth and self-determination blossoms. Yellow is it energy color. The fourth chakra is the heart. It is the connecting point between the lower and higher trines. Whereas the three lower are primarily concerned with survival, the upper three work on a more ethereal level. The heart is the cross over point. When the soul reaches this level of development, the physical aspects of life where they are person or society generated become less important than the needs of the species as a whole. Fear of the unknown falls away as the curiosity and need for wisdom becomes the new focal point. This chakra