The Power Of ONE...A Marketer's Dream

Can you recruit just ONE Person a month? You can become extremely wealthy, simply by recruiting just One person a month into a viable Network Marketing/MLM or Affiliate Program. Although many strive to recruit many people all at once, if you will focus on recruiting One Person at a time you can become extremely wealthy. This process can realistically achieve wealth in just 12-18 months, for most any Network Marketing/MLM or Affiliate Program. Just ONE! Using the principle of DUPLICATION, recruit one, recruit that is Ready, Willing and Committed to recruit Just ONE new member each month, for the next 12-18 months. That new recruit, should also be one that is Ready, Willing and Committed to recruit Just One new member each month for the next 12-18 months. This Is The Principle Of DUPLICATION! This Is The POWER OF ONE! The Power Of Network Marketing! It Is Simple But Very POWERFUL! All that you have to do is, use your Ability, Attitude, And Your Commitment To Succeed. Your Ability: Your Ability is whatever is comfortable for you that works for you. That could be contacting and recruiting one Person a week or ten people a week. Your Attitude: Your Attitude is of utmost importance and very powerful. It is the deciding factor to your degree of success in any venture. If for example, your attitude is negative, then give your-self a check-up from your neck up. Because if your attitude is NOT a Positive One you will fail in any venture. You will then be one of those who sit back and watch the rest of us succeed while you continue to find excuses... bad attitude. Your Commitment: Your Commitment is the final factor that will decide how far You Will Go, if at all. You must be committed to putting in whatever time and effort it takes to achieving your goal. Never Give In To Obstacles! Never! Never Give Up! Be consistent, one day at a time, one week at a time, one month at a time. Remain Focused And Committed To YOUR Goal. Remind Yourself: If It Is To Be, It Is Up To Me. I Can, I Must And I Will Make It Happen! This simple method of Duplication creates a very powerful doubling effect. If you could double your efforts each and every month while teaching others to do the same, DUPLICATING your business, You can become extremely rich in a very short period of time. The people you recruit could also become extremely rich, which is A Win - Win Situation. To see how this simple method works and to learn The Power Of One, *** Pay Very Close Attention! *** When YOU Start You Are ONE. Lets see what would happen if you recruited just 1 person each month for 12 consecutive months, sharing this idea of Recruiting One new person per month for 12 months with them. Now lets break that down over 12 months with each person Duplicating them-self by just ONE per month: Month one = You + your 1 = 2 Month two = You 1 + their 1 = 2 Month three = Those 2 + their 2 = 4 Month four = those 4 + their 4 = 8 Month five = those 8 + their 8 = 16 Month six = those 16 + their 16 = 32 Month seven = those 32 + their 32 = 64 Month eight = those 64 + their 64 = 128 Month nine = those 128 + their 128 = 256 Month ten = those 256 + their 256 = 512 Month eleven = those 512 + their 512 = 1,024 Month twelve = those 1,024 + their 1,024 = 2,048 __________ For A Total Of: 4,096 At the end of 12 months you and those you recruited, who have Duplicated you, will give you 4,096 recruits to your organization. Through this simple principle, you would have Duplicated your business 4,096 times. Just think, what would your business be like if you duplicated one person a day or week, rather than our example of a month. With Duplication, you become your best Testimony in selling your products/services to others. Based on the Principle of DUPLICATION where would your business be one year from today, If You recruited 10 people per month, and shared with them the concept of doing the very same for 12 months. Get your calculator out and do the math. What would your income be in lets say a year, with your particular opportunity. Just think, you can do this year after year after year!