What Is The Wake

Let us say you are driving a boat and there is a wave left behind the boat, which is what we call a wake. Now what is this wake from? The boat of course but the wake is no more the boat than a gold fish is a shark. The wake cannot control you unless you let it. The wake is behind the boat and has nothing to do with who is driving the boat. Then why do people spend all there time looking back to see the waves of life but what they forget is that the wake is no longer a part of them it is just that they think the wake is who is driving the boat, it's not anymore than the gold fish is a shark. Why do some people insist to stay in the wake of the past instead of driving the boat to get to where it is going. Why look back and ruin the time you have left by saying I should have done this and I should have done that. Well guess what the past is the wake it is not who you are and you can forget about this controlling your life, as the wake is not who you are, Did you know that when the wake is all clamed down there is not even a ripple, smooth clam no waves in sight, what does this mean to you? Simple you are not the wake ands when time passes there is not even a ripple and it can't effect your boat so there is no use to look back as all the wake is gone and that is just where you want it to be. Why would we let the wake, past events and even some events that are not even happing yet control us? Why would you let the wake control your boat? It's like this people, have been trained and persuaded to think constantly that there boat needs a wake and they even are told that the wake is necessary to drive the boat. Little do these people know that the wake has nothing to do with them and it's time to stand up and let them know that they are no longer going to be controlled by the past, the wake. That from that day forward you won't look back unless it is necessary to the driving of the boat and even then, you are not going to look back from the boat into the wake. What you are going to do is recall a memory trace and how it made you feel or not feel, but you will not own the memory trace you will use it for it's intended use and then let it go knowing that it has nothing to do with the driving of the boat Now understand it will be a struggle to understand that you are not the wake, but the person driving the boat. This will take time and practice and ever time you look back to see what is happing in the wake you need to stop and remind yourself you are driving the boat and what is behind you is the past and it doesn't own you. Learn the lesson that you were supposed to learn and then the wake will become a flat piece of water and you will wonder how and why you ever let the wake control your life, when all it was the nervousness about the future and worrying about the past. Please know that you have only the moment that God has given you and that is the only moment you are ever promised, so forget about the wake and live your life (Drive Your Boat), like it was meant to be driven.