To-do Lists

Things & time. Time & things.
Big difference? Little difference? No difference?

I'll tell you. Big difference. BIG difference. Why? Simple. To-do lists.

Look, I come across a lot of people who can't seem to get a handle on time.

"Waaaaaah, I have so much to do, and not enough time."
"Waaaaah, there aren't enough hours in the day."
"Waaaaaah, where did all the time go?"

Call it poor time management. And what's the universal solution? That standard dose of wisdom from the minions of know-it-alls?

"Make a to-do list."
"You need a to-do-list."
"You mean you don't have a to-do-list?"

Do you like equations? I like equations? Here's an equation:

to do list = to don't list

Wanna know why? I'll tell you anyway. I'll tell you the same thing I tell my clients.

Lists are for tracking things. Items. Objects. Shopping lists. Top Ten lists.

Schedules are for tracking activities. Activities take up time. If you want to track your activities, get yourself a schedule. Or a calendar. Or a planner. Or make a time line.

The usual response is, "You're crazy! Everybody has a to-do-list. I don't understand."

No problem. Take out your to-do list, and we'll chat about it.

Maybe your list looks something like this:
-do taxes
-buy present for Frobish wedding
-pick up dry cleaning
-clean out gutters
-renew driver's license
-follow up with sales lead
-call dentist
-return broken toy (don't forget receipt)
-call mom & dad
-look for new computer

and so on...

Name someone who finishes everything on a to-do list every day. Right, nobody. In fact, what usually happens at the end of the day is called 'page 2'. Which is followed by page 3. Both of which bury page 1. Oh sure, things