You Have Got To Dream Big

You can't get anywhere in life if you only see yourself with the small prize, you need to see yourself with the new house or the new car, If your dreams are too small you can never make it to the bigger goal as you won't have any vision on how to get there. Your goals need to be out of reach but not out of sight. What I mean here is that if you make them too big that they are not good either as you will surely never reach them. Yet if you can find a happy medium where to put all your goals this shall be very beneficial to you. Dreams are the stuff that life is made of, If you see yourself working in a factory all your life, then chances are that you shall work in a factory all your life, but if you see yourself working for yourself there is a ten times greater chance that you shall end up working for yourself as your mind will start to think of ways to make the dream a reality and you will start to work on ways to call it fourth in your life and this is truly how it works. You can no longer see yourself working from 9 to 5 and letting someone else pay your way, you will start to investigate on how to produce an income on your own and new ideas shall come from the place that you never knew that you thought ever existed and the ideas turn into action and this is what I mean when I say "FOR THE DREAM TO BECOME REALITY YOU, MST FIRST IMAGINE IT TO BE". Do you now see how this all works to your benefit that you got to have big dreams? Just put them out of reach, but not out of sight and things will start to happen in your life that may never have seemed possible before and this is really truly amazing to me in its simplicity and how that it starts to show results after just a short period of time. Your life shall start to change and then in turn your dreams shall become a little bigger and then your mind shall start to work on new ways to make this new dream a reality and you shall start to call things forth that line up with the new vision. Do you see how this is a never ending process and that is why we call it Building The Perfect You, as you will continually strive to get better and to change the picture to a higher vision to a new height that you have never before reached and you will know you can get there because of past successes and you will start to see the whole picture and this is what we are talking about. Dreaming the big dream so you can rise up to the next level and this is what your soul purpose is all about. Now do you see how it is all coming into focus and what we have been talking about all starts to make sense? Here are four poems that I think you are going to love! DREAMS ARE THE VEHICLE AND THE SOUL LEADS THE WAY, I MUST SEE THE VISION FIRST AS THOUGHT IS PURE CREATION, AS LIGHT IS TO DAY, YET WITHOUT ACTION MY DREAMS SHALL NOT BE AND GO NOWHERE ENDLESSLY INTO THE FUTURE AND THE FUTURE SHALL BE OF BROKEN PROMISES AND ENDLESS DREAMS, AS I CALL FORTH THE ACTION TO ALL MY DREAMS, THINGS START TO HAPPEN SO FAST AS FAST CAN BE AS, ALL I BELIEVE SHALL NOW BECOME A REALITY ANT) NOT JUST A DREAM, REALITY BREEDS HAPPINESS AS I NOW CAN BE FREE, FREE TO CHOOSE OF WHAT I TRULY WANT TO BE. AS CHOICE IS THE REASON THAT WE ARE ALL HERE, FREE TO CHOOSE ANOTHER THOUGHT THAT NOW BECOMES CLEAR. FOCUS ON THE THINGS YOU KNOW THAT CAN NOT BE AS THEY ARE THE STUFF THAT SHALL SET ME FREE, FREE TO DO WHATEVER I MAY CHOSE AND TO STOP WALKING, SLEEPWALKING ENDLESSLY THROUGH YET ANOTHER DAY, AS MY LIFE HAS NEW MEANING AS IT SHALL NOW BE AS THOUGH I CAN NOW SEE, FREE TO SEE THE NEW LIFE THAT IS GOING ON INSIDE OF ME, I HAVE MADE THE CHANGES THAT HAVE SET ME FREE, AS DREAMS AND VISION BURN INSIDE OF ME. AS THEY SLOWLY GROW INTO ACTION RIGHT BEFORE MY EYES 1 HAVE SEEN THE PURE CREATION AS PURE AS CAN BE MY LIFE SHALL NEVER BE THE SAME AS CREATION NOW IS ME. WHEN DREAMS BECOME REALITY IS THE DAY FOR ME AS THE DREAMS ARE THINGS OF THE PAST THAT HAVE NOW BECOME TRUE AS THE TRUTH SHALL EVER RING IN THE EYES OF THE FREE, AS HAPPINESS AND JOY ARE BUBBLING UP ON THE INSIDE OF ME, INSIDE APPEARANCE OR OUTER THEY SAY SHALL BE A THING OF THE PAST AS THE PAST MAY BE THE AWARENESS OF MAN AS HE TRIES TO BREAK FREE FROM THE Evils, THAT ARE SET IN THE MIND, AS THE MIND SHALL NOW BREAK UNLESS IT SEES THE PLACE THAT ALL SHALL FORSAKE, FORSAKEN AT THE PLACE OF PURE THOUGHT CAN NOW SEE CLEAR OF THE TANGLES AND ENEMY THAT NOW WE CAN SEE WHICH IS THE FEAR OF LIFE THAT NOW I CAN SEE. FORGOTTEN WORDS ARE A Thing THAT CAN NOT BE, AS A WORD IS THE FIRST STEP UNTO CREATION AS IT MUST BE. THOUGHT IS THE NEXT STEP UNTO THE PROCESS YOU WILL SEE THAT ONCE THE BALL IS ROLLING UNTO THE UNIVERSE SO IT MAY BE THAT THOUGHT AND WORDS MAKES PURE ENERGY THOUGHT IT SEEMS AS THOUGH THEY NEVER QUIT FORMING THE THINGS THAT CAN BE THE ESSENCE OF LIFE, WE HAVE ALL GOT TO BE FREE. FREE AT LAST AND LAST WE CAN SEE THAT WORDS ARE MORE DANGEROUS THAN JUST A DREAM.