Instant Wellbeing - Free!

This morning, as I walked Cookie - my beautiful Golden Labrador - along a country lane that the frost had turned into a magical wonderland, I met a very special man. There aren't often people on that lane and when someone does come along, rarely do they give me more than a glance or a nod. They hasten past, as though unaware of my presence or the expectant wagging of Cookie's tail. This man was different. Before we stopped to say hello, he sent a beam my way. A ray of sunshine, instant wellbeing, a stream of happiness to warm my heart. Before we stopped and shared some friendly words he had already painted a smile on my face and brightened my day. With one smile - but not just any smile. This one came from the heart, from his soul, it was like an embrace of life. It wasn't one of those courteous, polite social grimaces that he offered me, it was a smile from within and the effect was - instant wellbeing! What an impact those few seconds had on my day - they put a spring in my step and renewed my optimism. Suddenly I felt motivated and full of joy. How could that be? How can a smile on the deeply lined face of an old man have such wonderful powers? After all, it was only a smile - or was it? If you think a smile isn't worth much, think again. Not only are you making yourself feel better, but if your smile is genuine, it creates an atmosphere of welcome, ease and happiness - it radiates to those around you. And who can resist that? So, next time you're feeling low, create some instant wellbeing - free! When you smile a real smile, something happens in your brain and with your body chemistry - you create serotonin, 'happy hormones' in abundance. That's a fact and it's as simple as that. There is only one small trick... A 'grimace' of pulling up the sides of your lips alone won't do - this smile has to come from within. It has to have that inner glow. If you practice a little, you can even create that when you're not feeling too great. Here's a suggestion: Travel a bit - in time and in your mind - to a happy memory or something you are looking forward to in the future and make that memory or image really powerful. It only takes seconds to really savour something; make the image bigger, the colours brighter, the sounds and even the scents really appealing and notice how easy it is to smile. Allow the smile to spread throughout your body and then send it to the next unsuspecting person you meet. That is the easiest gift of instant wellbeing you can give anyone, including yourself - and - it's free! I send you my smile and wish you a great day.