The Master Keys to Giving a great Speech

We all get nervous when it comes to making speeches. Even the experts get nervous before they speak. It doesn't matter if it's an audience of 20 or 2000, the anticipation that leads to the speech is enough to make one filled with fear. The difference between the amateur and an expert public speaker is that the professional public speaker enjoys the feeling of nervousness before he gives a speech. How can they enjoy it? It's really so simple and you may have heard it many times before. Yes that's right the master key to public speaking is preparation and practice. What does preparation means? Know your Audience The first thing you must do is to consider the audience: the composition of the audience, size, cultural & ethnic background, attitude & preconceived notions about you and your presentation. You need to know how big or small is the size of the audience. Speaking to these two groups is completely different. A small group is cozier and you can give them individual attention however in a big group this may not be the case. The cultural & ethnic background is important too as you will not be able to speak to an Asian person the same way you will speak to one from the west. Another thing you must do is to find out the attitude and preconceived notions the audience have on you and your speech before you present it. This will give you an edge and let you lead your audience in your speech towards your desired outcome. Structure your presentation Next you need to structure your presentation and choose a presentation style to match the audience and settings. You must know what you want your speech to achieve. Answer this question "what are the emotions I want my audience to feel at the end of this speech?" One of the basic structures you can use in a speech is the 4MAT system. This system was discovered by Bernice McCarthy in the 1970's while studying learning styles of children. Start with the "WHY" because people prefer to know the reasons before they choose to hear your speech, Then tell your audience "WHAT" you are speaking about. This is where you tell them about the details on your speech topic. Third, show your audience "HOW" they can use this information and lastly, You must tell your audience "WHAT IF" or what would happen if they didn't use the information or what would happen if they took action on the information. Give them some choices. Practice, Practice and Practice Write out your speech and practice it every chance you get. This is the most important step in any speech. You must practice it many times before your real speech. Follow this golden rule; Never let your first time be your first time! Mentally rehears your speech. Imagine your self giving the speech in your head as many times as possible. Make yourself familiar with your speech. Do it so often that it becomes automatic. I can't stress enough on this point. Rehears, Rehears and Rehears. If you think you have practice enough then do even more. Do it until the last minute before you give your speech. Giving speeches is easy. It's all about preparation and practicing your speech. As you give more speeches the more better you become and the more easily giving speeches become. Everybody is nervous in the beginning and being nervous only means that you are going to give a great speech and impress the audience because you now know the master key in giving impressive speeches, preparation and practicing.