Are You Stuck In A Rut And Can't Find The Exit?

Are you living your dream life now or are you waiting for just the right time to start? Here's the good news--you don't have to wait and your journey can be as sweet as your destination. A few months ago one of our clients asked, "Where has the excitement gone?" He felt that he was just going through the motions day after day. He talked about all the struggles and sacrifices he had made to get to where he thought he wanted to go. He felt he was truly in a rut. He said what he really wanted was something he could be passionate about again. We suggested that this may be the perfect time to shift gears and go into a new and exciting direction. He started to think about what he really loved to do. He thought about his fondness for horses, photography, golf, and spending more time with his family. He came to realize that when you love what you do and do what you love, there is no rut. Today he works less, accomplishes more in less time, and has more fun. Take a few minutes now, sit quietly, and think about a time in your life when you were really excited about your dream. Is that dream still important to you? What do you really want in your life? It is important to believe that change is possible. Visualize your dreams and make it fun. Start taking action by doing something that puts excitement back into your day. Think of your many options. Perhaps all you need to do is to delegate some of the tasks that you dislike and concentrate on doing the things that you love. New opportunities will appear. You will begin to live with more passion and your life will have new meaning and purpose. Is it time to reinvent yourself? This is the best time to think about that with the new year approaching. What are you going to do to move yourself to your dream life? Are you going to find a new career that inspires you? Will you take action to improve your fitness and your health? Would you like to have a new or better relationship with someone? How about your finances? What fun activities can you weave into your life? Is there a challenge you have been avoiding that you will now act on? We believe that people are capable, competent, and resourceful and they have within them all the tools they need to live their best life. Remember, "The minute you begin to do what you want to do, it's a different kind of life." -Buckminister Fuller-