A Vacation Frame of Mind

Signals from Diann S. Cannon, Personal & Business Coach A Vacation Frame of Mind Are you bored? Do you feel like you're in a rut? How's your energy and creativity levels? Do you crave a new attitude? If you answered yes to the questions above, you may need a vacation. But what if that's not an option? Is there a way to get the benefits of a vacation without actually taking one? Let's face it. Most of us feel like our work is never done. It seems like there is always something else that requires our attention and the lists of things we create "to do" are endless. It's easy to become overwhelmed by the sheer volume of tasks we face. Rather than do something immediate to change our outlook, many of us play a mental game in our heads and it goes something like this: "When I finish this project I'll feel better, " or "I won't be tired anymore once I get a vacation, " and my favorite, "I need to get a life". So often we ache for that feeling that comes from taking a vacation from our daily routine. We all need well-deserved breaks to recharge the batteries, but we also need to find ways to keep our energy revved up when we're NOT on vacation. Simply marking time for that annual one or two weeks of vacation time to roll around is a really awful way to live. So let's think about this for a moment. What is it about a vacation that feels good? Vacations are as different as night and day and yet there are some commons threads that run through all of them. I'm going to touch on a few of them here, and if you can think of others, please feel free to examine their significance on your own. For starters, vacations are about choice. We are in charge of our time and how we choose to spend it. Another is that it frequently involves a change in scenery. We get to see and experience something different, both from a tactile and sensual perspective. Another denominator is downsizing, especially if we go away. We take or use only that which we need. In short, vacation is freedom from the norm. Stop for a minute and think about what you like to do on vacation. Now think about your life at this moment and consider some vacation-type activities (or mindset) you can add into the mix. We still have choices and options at our disposal even when we're not officially on vacation. Comedian George Carlin talks about all the "stuff" we humans amass and I think all of us could enjoy our lives more if we had less stuff to deal with. I don't know about you but I spend way too much time sorting, placing, cleaning, arranging and generally deciding what to do with my stuff! But when I go on vacation, I pack lightly. I suddenly don't need all of the same stuff that I can't live without at home. So I've decided to encourage a "vacation frame of mind" by getting rid of things I am not currently using. Now I'm not going to throw away my summer clothes right now just because I'm only wearing my winter ones now, but you get my point. One of the things I love to do is hike. The availability of hiking and other outdoor activities would be a main concern for me as I consider vacation locations. But does that mean that I can't hike in the interim? Look around your community. Look at it with the eyes of a visitor. Are there places and things you could be doing in your own neighborhood that would help foster your vacation spirit? For example, I live in Las Vegas and about 30 minutes outside of town is Red Rock Canyon. It is without a doubt one of the most beautiful places in the desert. It's one of those places that tourists like to sightsee and explore. I went there this morning before work and hiked with my dogs and a friend of mine for two hours. It was super! I saw some different scenery. My senses were awakened and my appreciation for creation was enlivened. I feel happier because of the experience. Recently, a coach friend of mine told me of his desire to write more but felt that there were too many distractions at home. So, he's rented a room in a local Bed & Breakfast for the weekend just to get his creative juices running. What a fabulous idea. It's your life. You can get up and do the same thing every day or you can choose to change your routine and liven things up a little. Give yourself the permission to do something you would normally reserve for vacation. These are small things, but they promote a vacation mentality and make even the most mundane days of our lives more enjoyable Action ~ be conscious of your surroundings, simplify, and change your routine in some way. Intentionally do something that you would do if you were on vacation, see if it puts you in a vacation frame of mind.