Is Willpower nothing more than an over-rated ego trip?

We never really think about it but the subconscious part of our minds actually controls 5/6ths of our entire brain power. Willpower, whom we tend to accredit much of our success to, is controlled by the other 1/6th of our brain. Does that mean that this 1/6th of your brain is working harder that the other 5/6th's? Or does this mean that we have given far to much credit to will power? It's easier for us to give credit to something we know we've had a hand in. But the truth is, if your subconscious mind is not on side and is out of harmony with your will, your chances of succeeding are less than 2%. Willpower operates on suggestions - Your subconscious operates on visual mental pictures that it has stored through past events, new information and reinterpretation. Willpower is constantly feeding these powerful images and depending on the context of these subconscious thoughts, our willpower is either fortified or challenged. You subconscious is constantly at work. You simply have to learn how to feed it. The subconscious or subliminal mind is a powerful tool for self-improvement. It can create new thoughts and feelings inside you that can overcome past boundaries and limitations. Wow! How wonderful is that? The power of the subconscious mind has been written about for centuries. It is only now, however, that science is catching up to what most of the philosophers have known since time immortal: That the power of the subconscious is awesome indeed. Now, today we have technology developed that will help you to connect with your subconscious mind and enable you to make permanent changes for yourself in a simple easy and effective way. Subconscious programming is the most effective way to modify your actions and habits. We all have areas where we either want to improve or habits we want to rid ourselves of. Your subconscious can have influence in every aspect of your life from how much money you make to a fear of spiders. Positive Thought will bring you success. Negative thought prevents you from gaining success. You have the power within your mind to control and influence the outcome. Harness this amazing power and the world is your Oyster!