The Road Less Traveled

Can someone please tell me why it is that men who have nothing substantial to offer continually approach me? Do you have anything of benefit to bring to MY table? Do I wear a sign on my forehead that reads: WANTED. UNEMPLOYED MAN WITH NO MOTIVATION, NO GOALS OR ASPIRATIONS. GROUNDED EMPLOYED, SUCCESSFUL R-E-S-P-O-N-S-I-B-L-E MEN NEED NOT APPLY? I have often asked myself this question. And to be quite honest, I had no intentions of writing a story with the type of content that you are about to read. My intentions were TOTALLY divergent. Before I write about anything, I carefully ponder the subject matter to determine how I can best project my opinions to my readers to get them to view a subject the same way that I do. In doing so with this particular story, let me remind you that C.V. writes about topics that others would rather forget. Let