The Beauty of Newsletters

Newsletters just keep getting more and more recognition as a means for building profits in all types of businesses. You can send your newsletter out to your customers once every so often (daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc). The beauty is - it's your newsletter so you get to decide. Newsletters are nice because you can share relevant information related to whatever you are selling with your customers. They work exceptionally well when the subject matter of interest keeps changing and people have a need or desire to stay current. Newsletters can subtly prompt your clients to buy from you again, or to generate referrals for your products or services. If you fill it with informative articles, it will not be viewed as advertising - instead, your clients will see it as a service. Alternately, newsletters can be a great source of income all on their own. You can set up a recurring payment plan and bill your customers monthly in exchange for your valuable information. If you are trying to walk someone through a challenging subject, a newsletter may be useful. You might not be able to pack all that information into one big lump as easily. Most customers will appreciate that you want to help them achieve their goal over the long term, instead of providing them with just a box of stuff they must sort through on their own. To generate another income stream, you can even put paid advertisements in your newsletter. The best part is, since you own the newsletter, any of your related products or services would get prime advertising space. And you can charge other vendors to place their advertisements in your newsletter. As a rule of thumb, if you are charging customers for the newsletter, you don't want to fill it too full of advertisements. I personally do not like purchasing magazines or newsletters that are all ads. So, if you do put paid advertising in your paid newsletter, make sure it is spaced out; otherwise, your customers will likely get upset and cancel their subscription. Also, make sure that all the ads are relevant. You, your advertisers, and your subscribers will gain the most benefit when the ads pertain to products or services your subscribers are interested in. This will keep your newsletter viewed as a valuable source of information.