Building Trust is More Effective Than Plain Online Advertising

Online advertising is not a credible source. Many forget about taking advantage of credible sources when they plan out to start an online business; majority just put a lot of money aside for online advertising. Having a lot of capital to gain exposure on the web is good, and will most likely build some credibility to your site, if you site turns out to look professional with great service. Online advertising doesn't guarantee any sale or business for you, but usually, you can get some 0.05% conversion rate with online advertising. Don't get me wrong, you can get a better conversion rate with online advertising too, but you will be spending a lot of money. So what's better than online advertising? Building trust and showing credibility of your site and business. How do you do that? The easiest and most commonly used method is press release of your new business or website. Why is credible source so important? Because there are many scam artists out there who can always use the same advertising methods with keywords and etc to expose themselves like you. You may be sincere with your business, but with all the scams out there, we are losing the internet users' trust. Can't scam artists use press release for themselves? Sure they can, but it is an uncommon way to advertise for scam artists. Press release don't bring much traffic as it would with other commonly used advertising methods, and it can be costly too. Also, when you distribute a press release, hundreds of editors and journalists will be reading your source, and if it turns out to be not credible, you can be in big trouble. So what can you do? Don't expect much in return with press releases, but you do have some chance of getting more media interest from other companies, which will get you more exposure, and it's free. If you are a lucky one, you can get millions of visitors to your site without paying a dime for advertising. Hire someone to write an appeal press release for you, and use a distributing service to send your press release to other editors and journalists. Get your press release to be added to Google News and Yahoo News, as well as other major news search engine sites. With the right service, you can get great exposure, and get a good ROI. Anything else? Nothing can beat word-of-mouth advertising. It's credibile and it's free. If your friend tells you that this particular restuarant is good, you will keep that in mind and maybe go try it out in the near future. And if you are happy with the place, you may recommend to another friend, and that friend may suggest it to another friend etc. It will cause a viral effect, and it can really spread. There are many other advertising methods out there, either credible or not very credible. Depending on what you are doing with your business, credible source may be very helpful.