A Perfect World-A Perfect Life

The Holiday Season - with all its wonderful colors, decorations, and foods that you just can't resist.
What if the Holidays could be kept all year round? Would it be an ideal situation or would everyone of us tire of it, grow to loathe the "sameness" and wish for different situations
to come around?
Whether it be the Holiday Season or the
everyday "nose to the grindstone" type of existence, there is a whole lot of wisdom going on here.
Everyone needs a little bit of stability and monotony to know that the world is still going around and that
winter follows fall, etc. When the tasks, schedules, and other daily to-do items begin to wear you down - not because of their physical or mental
strains, but by the emotional pull to see, do and experience something special, what can you do to overcome this restlessness and uneasiness? Sure,
taking care of family, or friends, doing a day's work for a day's pay and sometimes maybe a little bit more either way, you are satisfied with
your life, but there - right there in the corner of your mind - that imp of "I need something exciting, different, and ..."
Your whole body wants to reach for the stars, but your daily schedule keeps your feet planted firmly on the ground.
The "whole ball of twine" is yours. The day begins the same, but you can change it to quench some of that thirst of experiencing the "unique, and special."
Sure, if you can afford a year-long vacation around the world, purchase a home in every country you just dream about, and socialize and change little
tidbits of social chit-chat with the "rich and famous", then, my friend, your problem is pretty much solved.
But, for the rest of us, tomorrow will very closely resemble today, and yesterday was a carbon copy of the day before. Change it - that's right - take the "bull by the horns" and change it. Do your assigned work or expected chores in a different way - try it!
Move your furniture around, put up new posters or pictures, take a class, take a walk, pick up some agates, or skip a few pebbles across a lake. Do
something different, try something new, and begin satisfying that need for adventure.
If you think that money or lack of will deter yourplans, then right there lies another challenge - find those wonderful, exuberant "free for the asking" type of activities that you never tried before.
Libraries, book stores, farmer's markets, nature centers, forest preserves, zoos, etc. They are there -
some free, some for a very nominal charge, or just sit down at a sidewalk cafe and watch "people".
This, in itself, is quite an experience and education.
How many people look up to see the sun, or are they so preoccupied that the "sky could be falling" and they would be totally unaware.
Those wildflowers or daisies on the side of the road are a treasure in any arrangement - just the touch your table might need. Find something as little as a bird's feather and turn it "into something." Stretch your imagination muscles with the small items and soon you will be soaring with the eagles on ventures you never taught possible.
This, in itself, is no "pie in the sky" but it sure beats the daily doldrums of "sameness." Keep a journal of your "discoveries" and you will be amazed a year from now, or even just a few weeks from today how different your writing will be. At first, it will
probably be very basic, but then when you use your senses to discover everything around you, you will notice descriptive terms and an unfolding
joy. Life is short - make the most of it - and
Where there is life - there lies the possibilities of a miracle -
Savor those "quiet moments" during the Holiday Season - use them to rejuvenate, relate, and unwind. They may be few and far between, but
they are a true blessing in disguise!
Your senses are the keys to unlimited knowledge and vast experiences - open the locks of your mind, heart, and soul - let your whole being shine
in the brightness of discovery - whether great or small!
A window in your home is not just a pane of glass within a frame - it is the entrance to the world!
Your hands can touch a heart, wipe away a tear, and build the universe. Never take them for granted and use them wisely!