The Satanic Verses of Bhagavad-gita

Bhagavad-gita (which means "Song of God"), the holy scripture of Hinduism is rather satanic or evil. This is the thesis this article attempts to defend and put forward. Bhagavad-gita, also known as Gitopanisad or simply 'Gita', is the essence of Vedic knowledge and one of the most important Upanisads in Vedic literature. 'It is the conversation between Krishna, who is God in human form come to guide and protect the righteous, and Arjuna, who is the rest of us in human form, confused about what the right course of action in life is and sickened by the horror we see in the world around us.' (See Linda Johnsen, The complete idiot's guide to Hinduism. Penguin Group: 2002) Krishna advises Arjuna to fight in the battlefield for he, Arjuna, is Ksatriya. Gita is constituted of 18 chapters, each entailing multiple verses or texts. The main satanic aspects of Gita are given below. 1. The Cast-conscious Gita - In Ch 18 verses 41 to 48 clearly imply that Gita (in particular, Lord Krishna) considers the cast system (constituted of the four casts, viz Brahmanas, Ksatriyas, Vaisyas, and Sudras) to be divine and religious. Sudras performing the works of Brahmanas are thus irreligious, according to the Gita (see Ch 18 verses 47 & 48). 2. The Satanic Krishna - In Ch 2 verse 31, Krishna advises Arjuna to fight as a Ksatriya (i.e. warrior) for the sake of religious principles. Also in Ch 4 verses 7 & 8 Krishna tells Arjuna that to deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, and to reestablish the principles of religion, He Himself appears, millennium after millennium. This means that all Sudra (and untouchable) scholars (e.g. Dr B. R. Ambedkar, K. Ramaswamy, an untouchable justice of India's Supreme court) who work like Brahmanas, and Brahmanas, may be because they are not clever or educated enough, who work like Sudras are considered as miscreants by Gita and are threatened to death. Even Gita thinks it religious to annihilate those whose beliefs and practices are other than Hinduism, which would include atheists, free thinkers, other religious people like Christians, Muslims, Jews, etc. 3. The Violent Gita - The message of Gita is violent. In Ch 2 verses 31 to 38, Ch 4 verse 42, Ch 11 verses 33 & 34, Arjuna is advised to fight the irreligious people (his enemy) with violent means. If Krishna Himself is God and thus almighty, He must be able to convince the irreligious people that their actions are immoral or irreligious. Rather than doing so He wishes bloodshed. Also, if compared to Christianity this is far more satanic. If Christ were in place of Krishna He would have attempted to win the hearts and minds of the irreligious people and the generations to come by sacrificing his own life, by displaying an ideal of suffering love rather than violent fight. (For more information on Bhagavad-gita see 'Bhagavad-gita as it is' by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. The Bhaktivedatna Book Trust: 2003.)