The Angel Abdiel

Abdiel is first mentioned in the Bible where Abdiel is a mortal and resident of Gilead. In the Bible (I Chronicles), Abdiel is not the name of an angel but of a mortal, a Gedite, a resident of Gilead. This is doubtlessly the original source for the name. figures as an angel in Anatole France's fictional The Revolt of the Angels. He is said to be the angel who remains faithful to God during the rebel of the angels in heaven He forces out the rebel angels and attacks Satan himself with a "mighty sword stroke." Abdiel is a mythological angel from the epic poem Paradise Lost by John Milton. He is one of the angels in heaven under the command of Lucifer, the archangel. Abdiel is the only angel of all assembled before the archangel, that challenges Lucifer's statement (that he is not a created being; that he is equal with God). After challenging Lucifer, Abdiel flew away, refusing to have anything more to do with the wicked archangel, thus becoming the only angel in Lucifer's legions to leave. We all have our own devil or devils to face at times in our life and we could certainly use some of the strength of Abdiel; to stand up to our devils and strike them with the sword of truth. Pray to this angel when you are faced with devils that you cannot overcome by yourself. He will come to your aid.. About the Author