The Plight of Pew Warmers

Have you ever been frustrated over people who come to church just to warm the pews? It's so easy to point, "Sinner!" - turn your nose up, look the other way, and exclude them in fellowship. It takes the love of Christ to look inside and see their need. They didn't give up on God. Otherwise, they wouldn't even be in church. What they may have given up on is either themselves or other Christians. Maybe they fell. Maybe they were nearly stoned to death by the brethren. Perhaps their anger got the best of them. It could be that they were falsely accused. They may have misunderstood God's leading, thereby being tricked by Satan. But, whatever is was, something very painful happened. Satan convinced them God wouldn't receive them, it could happen again, or they don't have the strength to begin anew. Perhaps we could love them best by telling them they