Words of Wisdom - Proverbs 10:1

Please feel free to use this article for your newsletter, ezine, or web site, in its entirety including the resource box. Please notify me of publication by sending a website link or a copy of your ezine when published mailto:scrawford@whatismyname.com. Thank you! Words of Wisdom - Proverbs 10:1 By Stanley T. Crawford A wise son makes a glad father, but a foolish son is the grief of his mother. Proverbs 10:1 As a general rule, a mother will grieve and worry about a child no matter what the child's behavior. On the other hand, men will show empathy, but will not worry to the same degree as women will. This is not bad or good, but reflects the difference between men and women. Also, it attests to the differences in a mother and a father. As your guide, ask yourself these questions: As a man, should I show a little more concern, or am I at the right balance of concern for the situation? As a woman, should I worry a little less, or am I at the right balance of concern for the situation? Copyright 2002, Stanley T. Crawford, is the editor of,