How Can You Say You Believe In God . . . .If you don't believe in yourself

How Can You Say You Believe In God . . . .If you don't believe in Yourself? By Jeannette Tyson Gregory No matter how many workshops and seminars we provide for our youth, some are still walking away shaking their heads. They focus on weaknesses and disabilities, and their strengths and abilities go lacking. The images we have of ourselves are not self-images but how we are often seen through the eyes of others.The average high school and college student will step on campus with some knowledge of who they are but will immediately transform into a stranger. Allow me to introduce to you that person that lies dormant on the inside screaming to be released. Listed below are a few questions that you can answer in your leisure time.1.Do you believe in yourself? 2.Are you confident of your abilities? 3.What is the biggest monster that lives inside of you? 4.Who Am I? 5.Do you recognize the potential in you? 6.Do you know how to speak to the strongholds in your life? 7.Do you love yourself? When I was a child, I never doubted myself. I suffered from others not having faith in me or having doubts concerning my abilities. I had enough confidence for all of the children around me and myself. Even in elementary school I had no problem speaking before large crowds. Fear rarely knocked at my door until others planted the seed inside of me. Let's name that seed, Self Doubt. What do you see yourself as becoming? Who are you? (You become what you picture yourself to be). Sometimes we become what others expect us to be. If you see yourself as too short or too tall, too skinny or too fat, too light or too dark, your hair too short or too long, most likely you will begin to believe this about yourself. You will never try out for basketball if your image of yourself is too short. Becoming a cheerleader will never enter your mind if your image of yourself is too fat. The picture you create in your mind of yourself is who you will most likely believe that you are. Close your eyes for a moment and picture who you believe you are at this moment. Once you get a candid picture in your mind, try one of these two suggestions. (1) if you are pleased with it, save it in your memory (2) if you are not pleased, erase it. Now, picture who you would like to be. Creating a good self-image is as easy as creating a bad image. Erasing the bad image from your mind is simple as creating a good image. Try it.