Prospecting - In order to have Persistence you must really Persist!!!

I know this sounds sort of redundant, but it is true and, sadly, many sales people don't know it. I was working with a salesman this week who has had a rather slow start with his company. He is selling a specialty product line for the company and he has some unique customer requirements. As a result, he has not had the recent success that some of the other new salesmen have had. But he has been grinding away as we have instructed him and persisting in his Prospecting efforts. Now he is getting lots of RFQs and orders. He is reaping the benefits of Persistence. He is continuing with his Prospecting efforts. I have mentioned this before and I will refer to it often. Persistence in prospecting is probably the single most important factor for success. The more Prospecting you do, the better you get at it. The better you get at it, the more successful you will be. But, you have to actually DO IT! This young man is really doing all that needs to be done with his Prospecting efforts. He is making his BLITZ CALLs