Are You Getting Paid for Your Time on the Phone?

Do you spend hours on the phone every day and feel like you haven't accomplished anything? Are people using your valuable time without giving you something in return? A very effective phone sales technique I've used with great success is maximizing every call for future business. What do I mean? Every time you pick up the phone, either an incoming or out going call, think about asking for more business. Think of the number of people you speak to during the day who you could ask for business. When I was in the mortgage business I spoke to real estate agents, attorneys, title companies, creditors, banks, insurance agents, clients, tax assessors, appraisers, etc. on a daily basis. Many of these people I spoke to more than once and many I developed long term relationships with. Some of them became referral sources for me. However, If I didn't learn to ask, I wouldn't have received as much business from them. Many of the people you speak to on the phone every day have friends or relatives who may need your product or service. You may never find out unless you use this phone sales technique and ask who they know that might be interested in your product or service. I'm talking about everyone you talk to every day, even if you only speak to them once. I know your thinking, I can't ask someone for business who I just met. Why not? To quote Zig Ziglar, "Timid sales people have skinny kids". What's the worst that can happen; they don't know any one. Don't wait for someone to give you a name, ask for it first. You may be planting a seed that will grow into future business. This phone sales technique has worked for me time after time. I finish a phone conversation and say oh, by the way, who do you know? I get names, phone numbers and sell business from routine contacts. And besides, if they got something from you, why shouldn't you get something in return? If you take the time to answer the phone or make the call out, why not maximize your time and take a few extra seconds to ask for business. If you're courteous and professional with people, you'll be surprised at how much extra business will come your way using this simple sales prospecting technique.