What's Liking Got To Do With It?

What do you do if you don't like the person you are trying to persuade? If you find yourself in a persuasion situation where you don't particularly care for the person that you're with, and you don't like them; how do you deal with that? You're there to create a sale or make something happen, how do you set that dislike aside? If you don't like the person you are trying to get rapport with, the odds are they won't like you! To begin with, what you want to do is stop worrying about liking each other, and just pace the living daylights out of them. Since you already have nothing to lose, Challenge Yourself! You already don't like them - the odds are you're not going to do business with them anyway. Do every sort of technique you've ever learned to create rapport because it's a rich environment to do just that! Test your skills and see if they can spot you doing it. See how far you can go with the subject in front of you. Stop worrying about what you feel about them and pace the living daylights out of them. Now when you do that, the odds are they are going to start liking you. If they're liking you, you'll find it easier to like them. **Concentrate on the techniques that you can use, on what you're not doing that you can be doing. That will help! ** Another aspect of this is when it doesn't feel natural - it feels artificial to be trying to get rapport with pacing, mirroring, language etc. Why does it feel artificial to you? Partly because it is artificial and ( most important! ) partly because you are not like them. You are probably different than they are by quite a bit. If that's the case, just think you probably wouldn't have rapport with that person "naturally" anyway. So if it doesn't feel good to you, odds are you are not like that person very much, and you probably wouldn't be getting rapport with them "naturally" on your own. Again, you have nothing to lose! So pace the living daylights out of them! There are 2 possible benefits from this. First and worst case, your skills will improve by practicing in the direst circumstances - right when you need them most. So what if you lose them; you'd given up anyway. Second, they will be convinced, persuaded or closed. Sometimes going beyond your boundaries and digging deep is appropriate to improve! Have Fun. For more persuasion training go to http://www.maxpersuasion.com