The Clock is Ticking on Your Leads

Every day is critical when you are in the business of sales. That lead you receive today could very easily be gone tomorrow. It is very important to act on your lead the very second you get it, not an hour later, or a few days later. The second it is in one hand, the next hand should be dialing the phone. Too often leads and referrals are taken for granted, sales people assume that because someone gave them a lead, that it is exclusive to only them. It is not, at any time one of your competitors can call that person and offer them a better price or a better service. I once worked with a guy in the mortgage industry. He received a lead from someone in his networking group on a Wednesday. He called the lead the very minute he got back to his office, and he was on his way to building a very nice relationship with her. By Thursday the two of them had come to a decision on a rate and product for her home that she was refinancing. Everything was moving along nicely. Or so it seemed. When he called her on Monday to follow up, it turned out that she was working with another loan officer, and would no longer be needing any of my co-worker