Challenge Yourself!!! Evaluate your Selling Skills

Sales is one of the highest paid professions in the world, yet most companies have not implemented a tool to identify or gauge the effectiveness of existing or potential sales and/or management staff. However, many organizations do conduct evaluations centered around probability - meaning the sales potential is there. This mini evaluation was designed to identify real skills sets -- not potential. This evaluation is not for the "weak-kneed". 'Real' questions to determine 'Real' skills for 'Real' world sales. Take a look at the following questions, answer them carefully, and check back next week for the answers. 1) List the top five most important steps in the selling process. 2) Of these top five, which is the most important? Why? 3) List the top three steps in the qualifying process. 4) Of the top three which is most important. Why? 5) What's more important - qualifying or closing? Why? 6)What is your current closing average? 7)How do you determine your closing average? 8)What is a qualified lead? 9)How do you qualify your leads? 10)What is the most important step in the lead qualifying process? Why? How do you know you're effective? How do you know you can't be better? How do you determine your strengths and weaknesses? Wouldn't it be important to know?