Export to USA ........ Finding North American Importers and Distributors for Your Products

The United States continues to be the most important market for manufactures from other parts of the world. American consumers have a strong purchasing power and access to a wide variety of financing and credit options. The American consumer is an ideal buyer for any company that has the right products to match specific demands. Americans love foreign products.- Because of the great number of people that come from other parts of the world to live and work in the United States there is a growing natural demand to supply such consumers with products from their countries of origin. Today the United States is the non hispanic country where more hispanic people live. At the same time, the USA is also the region of the world outside the Asian continent, where more people with Asian roots live and work every day. Identify a profitable market segment at ExportingToUsa.com .- The USA has the greatest variety of market segments and each one of them presents a commercial possibility for your products. For example, if you where a Japanese company you could soon find out that your products besides having a natural demand among Japanese consumers living in the USA, could also have a strong demand among the upscale segment of the Latin market living in California or Miami, and also among the socially diverse white - American market. By implementing a well-detailed marketing and distribution strategy you can discover how to focus on selling to your most profitable market niches. The first step is to analyze the level of competition and demand size that you can encounter in each segment. Research Import Regulations.- An important aspect that you must take into account is the kind of import regulations that you need to comply with before exporting your products. There are tariff and non - tariff import barriers that you need to revise in order to make the proper calculations for your market entry in to the USA. For example if you want to export food products, you will need to take the proper steps with the FDA before sending the merchandise to North America. Make your product trademark stand strong.- The most successful commercial enterprises in the United States are the ones who understand the importance of building and protecting their trademark. As your brand grows stronger, you build a loyal army of long-term customers that will support your commercial activities. If your brand of products starts having success among a particular market niche, you will notice that other distribution companies covering similar market niches in other parts of the USA will be interested in doing business with your company, thus opening bigger possibilities for your products in the future. This is why you must think about protecting the trademark of your products right from the beginning. These days it is not uncommon to see pirate companies illegally copying the trademark of recognized products with the intention of benefiting from the established reputation of such products. In some cases such pirate companies could even try to register your trademark before you. Registering the trademark of your product in the United States is a low cost investment that guarantees you the possibility of exploiting your trademark's " built in " client base for a renewable ten-year period. Help your business partners feel comfortable doing business with you.- Those importers and distribution companies in the United States with whom you do business with, will feel more comfortable if they know that you have your product trademark properly registered in the USA. The reason why they rather have it this way, is because they would also be affected by a company that competes with them by illegally exploiting your trademark. Don't let others steal your profits.- Those fraudulent companies who feel tempted to copy your trademark will not necessarily have to be inside the USA. Their manufacturing operations could be located in other parts of the world, possibly in Asia or in some corner of Latin America or Eastern Europe, and from there send their illegal products bearing the trademark of your company into the United States, affecting your sales and reputation with out you even noticing their actions. That is why it is utterly important to seek protection for your trademark with the US Customs authority. Once your trademark is recorded with the US Customs, they will detain illegal shipments coming into the US either by sea, air or land, that illegally use your trademark for commercial purposes. Secure your company's success.- Having your trademark legally protected in the United States is without any doubt a low cost investment with a high benefit for your entrepreneurial future. In the event that you decided to sell your entire company or just a part of it to an American company, by having the trademark of your products protected you would be guaranteeing your self a more sharp and lucrative transaction. ExportingToUSA.com is proud to help you do business in the United States offering you a variety of international marketing and intellectual property services. For more information click here.