3 Hypnotic Selling Tools!

1. Identify your prospect's defense mechanism for not buying. Explain to them it's normal and everyone has one. For example: Should you have any thought about not buying our product, it's just a little defense mechanism that everyone has in their brain. It's there because other businesses have ripped off your money in the past. You don't want it to rule your life, do you? 2. Tell your prospects that their problem is gradually disappearing as they are reading your ad copy. For example: As you continue to read this ad copy you feel your problem slowing disappearing the closer you come to investing in our product. By telling them this their brain will trigger them to start to feel this way and compel them to buy your product. 3. Ask them to rate their problem between 1 and 10 with 1 being bad and 10 being good. Then use a chart on your ad copy similar to this one: 1-4: You really need our product. 5-7: You should buy our product. 8-10: Our product could help. Your prospects will associate the number to the level of their problem. This will make it easier for them to understand just how much they need your product.