The Myth of Persistence

In most cities across the country, one sure sign of persistence is facing the daily commute. Prime time commuters are superstars at the art of persistence. Most don't have a choice, so they face the daily crush with steeled nerves and tight jawed commitment. Most salespeople believe that they don't have a choice, either. Worse yet, they have been taught to believe that nothing takes the place of persistence. That the price of success is dogged and determined tenacity. There is a fine line between being persistent and being obnoxious. Perhaps the most misunderstood and underutilized secret to selling anything is to understand the critical role that timing plays in successful sales. You see, customers and prospects buy when they are ready to buy, not when salespeople need to make a sale. Not when they are worn down by pesky salespeople. I'll bet that whenever you have made a successful sale, no matter what you sell, there are certain essential characteristics that your new customer had. Here they are: