To Sell to a Woman, You Must Understand the Woman

The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world. Truer words have never been spoken, especially when we consider the progress that women have made in society. Their hands no longer stick to rocking the cradle, but they still rule the world. If you are to succeed in marketing a product or service, you must remember that women control 85% of all purchases. Marketers need to consider that there are certain innate differences between men and women. Keep these ideas in mind when targeting women in your marketing strategies: * Women spend a higher percentage of time thinking about others, whether it be their children or their boyfriend. Women will agonize over the perfect gift. Women buy toys and school clothes for the kids. Where men do their Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve, Women may start as early as September. Why do women go to all this trouble? Because they love to buy the right thing. Let them know that you have the right thing! * Because women are doing the buying, for themselves as well as others, you have to figure out what woman want. Mel Gibson had to learn that lesson the hard way, but it isn