The profitable sound of silence

More sales people talk themselves out of a sale than you could possibly imagine. As a professional sales person I was always in awe of the one with the 'gift of the gab' but I soon learned that they do not usually make a lot of money. So here is a secret that will double your ability to sell (at least) Good selling is more about good listening than smooth talking, you cannot put water in a full glass. In other words human beings are all full of thoughts, ideas, problems, smart remarks, things we have to say, or are thinking about saying, and until we 'empty out' a little there is no room for anyone else's thoughts or ideas to exist. Let your customers talk, allow them space to think and empty out a little - this creates room for your ideas, products and services. When they stop talking - wait for three seconds before you speak. It will improve your sales immediately. By waiting 3 seconds you allow them to voice the real problem, the real objection, or talk themselves into buying. Try it, it works! What is your attitude to listening? Have you heard it all before? Don't you wish they would get to the point? Or are you genuinely interested in what they have to say? Negative attitudes to listening stifle conversations - as a business person you need to become a professional listener. You'll make a lot more sales. When ever two, or more, human beings are together their attention span is limited. While you have been reading this you may have been away to find out what's for tea, spoken to the kids, heard them playing in the garden, listened to the TV, wondered what you were going to do at the weekend - all without leaving your computer. We all do this all the time. In a sales situation you need to ensure that the customer is there now, imeediately and stays there, both physically and mentally - How do you do this ... by asking a question ... "Can you tell me, what was it about my advertisement that caught your eye?" "How can I help, Mr / Mrs Smith?" "What is it you're looking for" Then listen!!! Note that the question you ask should be an open question - that is a question which cannot be answered Yes or No, otherwise you cannot make sure they are there, and the conversation becomes a little short. A closed question is one that can be answered by a Yes or No, such as "Do you like our product range?" and these should be avoided during the sales process, if possible. There is no need to become paranoid about open and closed questions but, once again, practice makes good (if not perfect) So, rather than saying "Do you like our products?", how about "What do you think of our products?" Listening to the answer to an open question will allow you to identify the customers needs and wants and find out what turns them on (and off). This is a vital part of the successful sales process - practice it. Believe it or not, by asking questions and listening I became the No 6 sales person in a team of 300 within 2 months, I was operating in a rural area and earned over