Big IQ - problems and advantages

Intro on article: After reading some articles about social-engineering and "advices" how to get little more info from administrating people than they are allowed to tell, just by practicing some known methods, like disguising your intensions, or playing stupid, I decided to let myself write an article about intellect and understanding it from my point of view. Other idea I had in mind is something like teaching you to act intelligent. Like "acting smart for dummies", or "how to intrigue a cooler person to like you" (all of us wanted that in some point of life). Article shouldn't be understood literary, just read it, and if you find something that helped you, I'll be delighted. All of us wouldn't have anything against having little more points at private IQ scale, and I also tried to find out some reasons why it wouldn't be so great being smartest. Defining Intellect: First of all, the second you gained your eyes on this text, it makes you belong to one of higher groups of internet users, by this I mean, you are smart enough to be interested in advanced computer using, the other thing, you are browsing Science Box, and you are still reading this text :-).. ok, what I point at is in general, but you know what I mean...rarely someone who knows nothing or is complete ignorant/dumbass comes here (or am I wrong? hehe). In text below I'm referring to smart group of users... Let's say you are highly intelligent, you are full of ideas, originality is your name, usually with this comes that you are introduced to many different fields, from technology, environment, history, psychology, computer world ( can discuss on any topic and have a little knowledge on many different fields...-> so you are not narrow. What comes out of this is that you belong to that 0.01% percent group of people on this filled planet called Earth. Beginning of Problem: In the text below I'll use the word "partner"; considering the person with whom the discussion/communication is being held. The thing is that people with high IQ need someone of similar intellect/education to make the discussion fruitful. Like we know, the partner is interesting when we get more (or similar quota) of emotions, feelings, information, positive atmosphere to the amount we put in our communication. I mean you can't find your partner worthy spending time with, if he doesn't provide with something. This isn't material/information way, but that he provides you with good atmosphere, humor/laugh, non-predictable reactions, or interesting facts. There are many different types of intelligence and every man is provided with all of them; in some fields more in some less. Some are not in the position to become highly educated because of lack of sources/funds, but have high natural intelligence - for example knowing how to react and what to do in new, unpredicted situations (what is one of definitions of intelligence). For example I took the fishermen in my hometown (Korcula - Croatia). During their lives they didn't have opportunity to educate themselves, but in spite have developed highly emotional, social and natural intelligence. What makes them worthy intellect partner... for example they can help you upgrade your weaker characteristics, maybe emotional side or spirit, and in return you provide them with information, your presence (for example making them company when they go alone fishing) or something else. The thing is that we all tend to improve ourselves and to upgrade our abilities, and as the level of our sophistication grows, the problem to find equal or interesting partner rises too, but exponentially. Understanding their Problem: >From now here I'm talking about highly intelligent and lucid people who are not egoistic but aware of their intellect. It is important not to replace this with egoistic standing "I am the smartest" or "I am above all others, and they aren't smart as me". As Aristotle said: "The more I know, I'm more aware I know nothing" - it is very helpful to have this thought as guidance in our life. Other quote I heard (quoted: Harry Shledon - Isac Asimov's character in Foundation Triology SF): "The dumbest persons are those who aren't aware of their intellect". Highly smart person is often hard to amuse and usually gives himself to a self-amusing humor, which others don't understand. The reason is that this humor responds the situation he has in his mind, and is often brought out just to amuse himself. These persons usually have ways to entertain themselves, what is often accomplished through challenges; making joke of someone who isn't aware that joke's on him (cruel :-), or simply by playing stupid, what can be pretty amusing. But points of interest can also be found through science fields, literature, poetry, or by outsmarting the law, especially through internet. Here I can mention difference between hackers who are able to do hell of things just to show it can be done, not to harm anyone (what is also usually possible for them to do if they want). They are here and can be very useful, pointing on software bugs, faults or lack in security. And then there are crackers - lowlife scum who do the harm just for fun, or with a goal to rob, steal, or make damage/point. What I wanted to say that this is their way to reach happiness, and satisfy intellect hunger, what in second example isn't very positive but can also be productive in some way, again pointing on security holes. But it is obvious that these people are of high capabilities that came out of their intellect. I' talking about real hacker world, not the script kiddies and similar. The point when person masters the social engineering, abstract thinking and ability to jump from one point of view to other in wink of an eye. How to intrigue and come to the isolated Genius? As I said, highly intelligent people are often lonely in lack of worthy "opponents" they could rival in their debates, so they find no motivation or enthusiasm to open and give themselves to lower ranged individuals. Something like when newbie comes to hacker Guru and asks: "Can you teach me how to hack ?". Perhaps someone would answer him and even help him, but it would be a person of a high patience and will of providing much energy in something that isn't very fruitful, nor for him, nor for newbie's long term. As almost everybody is interested in having a cooler, smarter, or more atmospheric individual for a friend, it is normal that you try to make someone like that, to like you, and finally make him your friend. The answer how to brake through to the inner of these isolated geniuses is to become interesting to them, and that isn't very easy to accomplish. It can be made through few methods; you can either come in possession of information that person we are trying to "accept us" finds of some value/interest, or you can try becoming riddle to the partner - this can be done with a little calmness and some patience. By reveling just a scrubs on a certain topic that interests our partner, we can start manipulating the way "friendship" goes. If we are able to show of little na