Boost Traffic to Your Web Site with Fresh Content

On the web, most SEO experts will tell you that content is king. However, the real key is fresh content. Article directories are a great source of content, but over time popular articles will be posted on hundreds or even thousands of websites. How are you going to make your page stand out from the rest? One way to distinguish repeated content is to wrap it with your own custom content (preferably both before and after the article). Another is to regularly seek out newer articles and replace the older articles with the newer ones. While this will entail some effort on your part, there are scripts available that can help with both finding articles and rotating them. Writing your own content is probably the best way to guarantee that your content is original and not replicated on other websites. It is also what search engines love. However, many people feel intimidated by a blank sheet of paper (or these days a blank word processor document). Nevertheless, there are some tricks to make the process less painful. The topic you pick is critical. If it is something you are knowledgeable about writing it will be easier. If you have a passion for the topic this is even better. When you begin to write make sure the first copy you are writing is for yourself only. In other words, write a quick draft without worrying about the final copy or what others might think. Editing comes later. If you just write what comes to mind you should find that before long you will have plenty of content. This is when you can come back and edit to make it fit to publish. A key here is to think about what the target audience would find useful. One of the nice things about the web is that people only like to read screen-size chunks rather than long essays so we are only talking about 300-500 words! If you want your content to lift your credibility or provide links back to your site then there are many article directories, such as FreshWebContent where you can publish your work. On the other hand, you may just want to put it on your own site. Whatever the case, after you have successfully published some content in the form of articles or web pages you should find that the process isn't that daunting and you will be able to easily churn out lots of fresh interesting content for both visitors and search engines.