We don't plan to fail....

Thoses of us that actually manage to set goals often give up at the first setback. They mentally beat themself up by saying "I knew I couldn't do it, so why did I bother trying" and other such self destructive comments. Constantly telling yourself that you are a failure is only going to be self evident when once again, you fail. Statistics are every where these days. Covering everything from 'how much of the world population likes cheese' to 'how violence on tv results in more actual violence.' The statistics concerning successful people and how they do it are not very suprising. They show that only 5% of the world population have written goals. Is it suprising then that only 5% of the same population are considered to be truely successful in life? I think not. Doesn't that simply mean that if YOU want to be successful, you have to have written goals? You would obviously have to take action to make thoses goals happen, but without a plan all is lost. I've asked a lot of people about what they want from life. The usual is a big house, loads of money, cars, holidays ect... Or they reply 'I duno' and just shrug their shoulders. The people that state roughly what they want have no idea how they are going to 'get there', they have no plan and consider their wants to be 'dreams', unobtainable and distant. The people that say 'I duno', will amble through life going in self defeatist circles. These people are the one's with the lowest self-esteem, lacking in confidence and feel that life is hopeless. So, there is only 5% of the population that are successful, that means that a stagering 95% will not live their lives to the fullest. Which presentage am I in? I used to be in the 95%, but now that's all changed.. I have begun to understand and act in a way that puts me in the top 5%. It didn't happen over night, infact it is still very much work in progress. But progress is much better than being static or going backwards. It's a bit like pushing a broken down car. You take the handbrake off and push with all your might, it's really hard work, the car starts to slowly roll forward, just a tiny bit, then a bit more, then a little faster. Before you know it you have to jump into the drivers seat and steer the car because it is moving so quickly. So there you are, sitting in the car, moving along without even pushing it. Momentum brought about by inertia. Establishing your goals and starting to take action is just like trying to move a broken down car, hard work. But momentum kicks in after a while and things move along quicker and with less effort. Before you know it your life has turned around and you're going full speed ahead. Sounds good dosen't it, well take it from me, it is better that good, it's absolutaley amazing. For those of you that still haven't quite 'got a grip', the message is, think like the top 5% and live your life to the max. Make written goals and plans, if you don't know where to start, ask someome, search the internet, read a book. Then start to take action and let inertia work for you. Do this and I promise you, you can't fail. Wouldn't that make a change!!! Here's to your internet success.