Learn how to get seven lives

Have you ever heard the phrase or popular notion that states, "That cats have seven lives?" Wouldn't it be nice to have seven lives too? Think about you can die a total of seven time and come right back to life. Well since this might be interesting I can explain to you, how I have lived more than one life. This way you can do the same thing too. Now relax, when I speak about living many different lives I am not referring to paranormal stuff such as reincarnation etc. I know, you thought I had a method of becoming immortal. However, that it's not the case. What I mean is that I have lived several different lives due to my own state of mind and I am sure you have too. Analyze the situation. You are not the same person you were during your teenage years. In fact you probably have changed a lot physically. Your state of mind totally shifts and what was once a priority back then for you, may not necessarily be today. However, there does not need to be such a great age gap for a person to change. Sometimes, it only takes a year to change a person's view in certain matters. I know, I am constantly learning a lesson or two in life. Of course then there are lessons so big that totally make you rethink your entire position in life. The size of the lessons that you learn in life do not matter and as well as the path that you have chosen before. Always keep in mind that you should be in charge of your life. Therefore, you should be able to change what you do not like. It does not matter what others have to say neither think about you. You always have choices, if you willing to see them. Now what are you going to do? Kenia Morales