Time Management Tips

Everyone has their moments where they feel as though there aren't enough hours in the day to complete everything that needs to be done. If you're feeling overwhelmed by the tasks that are facing you, there are many ways to help relieve that stress and help yourself manage your time a little better. First of all, clarify your goals and plan your strategy. Be very clear about your ambitions, both short- and long-term goals. Write them down. Once you know what you really want to achieve and why you want to achieve it, it's easier to make decisions about what needs to be done when, and you can plan accordingly. You should focus on your top priorities. You'll be much more productive if you identify and focus on the areas that are most important. Work on the fundamentals first - if you take action and build a strong foundation to each day, the rest should follow smoothly. Schedule your time! You should literally write out an appointment in your dayplanner to set aside a realistic block of time for your priority actions. Your anxiety will reduce dramatically, because you will no longer be worried about not having enough time and you will keep yourself much more focused. Very important - Say no! Don't allow others to divert you from your objectives and always check your schedule before committing yourself to anything new. Create supportive systems, such as an information management, filing, and communication system. Will your current activity have a positive outcome or are you doing it just to avoid something else? Take a reality check. Ask yourself - "will doing this take me towards my goal? If you can delegate a project or activity, often it's tempting to just do it yourself because you think you can do it faster and better. But consider the long-term - delegating an activity now will save you time in the future. Balance your life! Just as you formally schedule work activities, schedule personal activities too! You can make more time for family, friends, fun, and your health. Having a balanced life is said to reduce stress and increase energy levels. Just goes to show that time management isn't just about work management - it's about life management! At the end of your day, prepare for tomorrow. Prioritize your tasks and make notes about what needs to be done tomorrow. You'll worry less that evening and in the morning, you'll be prepared, focus, and ready to start your day. Here's a final thought for you. Never say that you don't have enough time to do things. You have exactly the same number of hours in each day that were given to some of the biggest and brightest individuals - from Einstein to Mother Theresa. If they can accomplish great things, so can you!