How to Set New Year's Resolutions That Stick - Part III of III

This final installment includes the simplest steps that are by far the most overlooked. Without these essential steps, everything you've done up to this point has been for naught. By the time you complete this article, you will be armed with the knowledge you need to simply and effectively conquer your New Year's resolutions and goals once and for all. Now that you've created a detailed plan of action, the next step is to take action daily. Take some sort of action every day (no matter how small) that will move you closer to the accomplishment of your goals. Keep in mind that an obese person did not get that way from one meal. People become overweight from a long list of personal choices made day after day after day. If your goal is related to weight loss, you have a number of choices every day that can either move you closer to or further from your goal. Should I exercise or blow it off today? Should I eat this doughnut? Should I take my vitamins and supplements? Should I take the stairs or the elevator? Should I skip lunch today? Millions of tiny decisions can add up over a relatively short period of time. Instead of seeing your goal as overwhelming, look at each day as a series of choices where you can choose to move closer to your goal, or not. Take some form of action every single day, and you'll soon find that you sleep better and have less stress because every day you're getting closer to achieving what really matters most to you. Did you know that anything you measure will improve? Tracking your progress will help you maintain your momentum and stay motivated. If you're saving for that dream vacation, get a posterboard and draw one of those huge thermometers on it, to color in as you hit savings milestones. If your goal is to get fit, take your starting weight, body measurements, body mass index, and shoot a "before" picture. Re-measure every month or so, and post your results on your fridge or pantry door if it helps you stay on track. If your goal is to quit smoking, make a "Smoke-Free Days" sign that increases for each day you don't smoke. Find a way to track and measure your progress and you will maintain your momentum far longer than those who don't. In order to maintain your resolve the whole year through, make a commitment to revisit your goals at least quarterly (or monthly, if you can). If you are prone to give up those New Year's resolutions quickly, updates at shorter intervals will keep you on track. As you complete your goals, be sure to set new ones to maintain your focus. Congratulations on completing this three-part series and welcome to the best year of your life so far!