Where Is The Problem

Hey, that's a good question, let me see if I can give you the answer to that question. First and formost problems start in the mind the way we perceive things to be and what we think is right. Hold on there if it's right for you, could it maybe not right foe someone else? I think we all know the answer to that question, problems arise in the mind which is controlled by the ego that terrible three letter word, it is even worse than the four letter word. Now can it be that problems can originate in the mind? Your parents raised you in such a way and there parents raised them in a certain way and of coarse these ways always collide and clash against one another and before you know it you have a problem that no one else seems to think it is a problem. Yet in your tiny tiny mind that is controlled by your ego and it tells you that you need revenge. Now if we move from our ego based world into the world of sprit and know that everything that is happening to us is supposed to be at this time and place. How can I say this with so much certainy, simple because it is and everthing that God created was good and that does not leave out anything, so even if you are struggling with a certain part of your life know that it is happening because it had to or you wouldn't be experinceing it at this present moment. This may seem hard to beilve but it is definity true and if you look long and hard at any situation and try real hard to to find the good or at least the lesson God wanted you to gain, life has a funny way of dealing us the same problems over and over again, you know why? Because God wanted us to learn a certain lesson and until we do we are dommed to redo the thing we don't like over and over again and again, I know this sounds crazy but it is true. The thing you resits persist and the lesson that you learn will make you stonger and you will then be ready to move on to a bigger and bigger problem. The way that I look at is like this, the bigger the problem and the way you handle it will in turn help you on the next problem. How you may ask your self? When you encounter a problem try and see yourself helping others out of the same problem that you have and in healping the other person out of there predicament, this in turn will help yourself out. The more you help other peole get what they want the more you will get what you want and this holds true to just about anything. How can we see the solution to a problem that we haven't even solved ourself? When you put the other person first you automatically open up your higher power because you are thinking of helping out the other person instead of yourself and the harder you look the closer you will come to the answer as it is your souls purpose to reach and help as many people as you possibly can, this in turn brings you bigger problems, which also happen to help you help more people, so by know you should see to solve your own problems you just need to help others out and then the answers will automatically come to you. So my friend please know that problems are the stepping stone to a spiritual experience and the bigger they get the greater the reward that you shall receive.