You Can't Always Get What You Want

You can't always get what you want? Well darn it I've had people tell me if I put my mind to it, I can do anything is this a lie? Well my friend it is not a lie, if you do indeed put your mind to it you can get almost everything that you want. Why did I say almost everything? Some things that we pick won't be in our best interest and this is where your intuition comes into play, so listen to your heart and move on from there. What is the next step and why can't I get almost anything I want? Look at you're the last word in the previous sentence. That word says it all WANT. Wanting something only produces the thing you don't want, because the action of wanting something only produces more of what you want to get. How can that be you may be asking yourself? Wanting something you want produces more of the same, more want. How do we get around to getting what we desire? It's in the intent, you don't want anything you indeed to get that which you desire. Intention is the key, if you intend to do something it doesn't mean you are going to try, you are going to do it, you intend to do it and you feel that nothing will stop you, that is the power of intention. Have you ever heard the thing you resist persist? This is fundamentally correct. I mean if you resist being poor you draw more poverty to yourself and you can ever have wealth unless you let go of the wanting of money, in letting go you automatically turn the universal power to yourself and now that you know longer want wealth and you indeed to get it, it will flow your way sooner rather than later. Now you no longer want a thing and you use your will power to see the thing that you want in your mind and this is visualization and the sooner you can see it in your mind, the sooner you will produce it on the physical plain. No matter what you have at the present see yourself with the money, new house, new car or any other thing you can think of. The key here is to believe you have it no matter what your present situation is. Then a funny thing will happen because you no longer wanted that thing. The universe opens up it's gates and it will bring the people or things to you to that you need to get what is you are intending to get. People will show up in the right place at the right time. You will see a magazine and it will say on the front cover, the very thing that you needed to know. Now do you see why you can't always get what you want but you can get what you intend to have and the power of intention is a very power full force. It can bring you your wildest dreams, so want nothing but intended to get that which you desire and in the end the universe will open up its floodgates and you will get all you intended.