The Tribe Will Tell You

What do I mean the tribe will tell you? Well let me put it this way, the tribe is the population as a whole every one of the people that make up this wonderful species we call human beings. The tribe will tell you to go college and get a good job and stay there working from nine to five everyday for forty-five years and then die. I say you should tell the tribe what you are going to not the other way around. If you want to be a singer and your dad tells you to become a Dr., You listen to your dad and become a Dr. What about what you want? I mean if you would have become a singer you would have been a huge success and even became a millionaire, but why are you still a Dr.? Because you listened to the tribe and that said go for the sure thing a steady check every week, I mean only One signer in a million makes it to the big time, I say why can't that millionth signer be you? YOU LISTENED TO THE TRIBE. The tribe will try to tell you who to marry and why you should marry them. Do we listen to the tribe and marry whom our parents want or do we dare go against the grain and marry the girl who we loved in high school? Let me give you a hint. The tribe tells you to go for the safe thing the sure thing and forget about the swimsuit model. Here again the tribe will tell you that she is too good looking for you! I mean when you get write down to it she wants to go out with you all along and she has always loved you and now that you mention it she feels bad about herself because she thinks she is fat, a swimsuit model fat? Guess what the tribe also told her to be uncomfortable because she seems perfect! So what does she do? Has breast implants because her breast wasn't PERFECT, but now they are. Now she's a ten on a scale from 1 to 10, but she has a complex because the one guy in high school she really liked, that would be you could not be good enough for a swimsuit model with new breast! Now I say we have had enough, tell the tribe to go to hell and go with your gut feeling, yes she likes you, go to hell tribe, she wants to have your babies, go to hell tribe. You don't want to be a DR. goes to hell tribe! Now live your life and quit listing to the GOD DAM TRIBE! Please know that you can share this article with anyone you want to and to maybe some you don't Even like, because it's that good & will in turn show that you love your neighbors, please pass it along as long as the footer is left in tact, my goal is to reach 2,000,000 people with this new Conciseness. I feel is Heavenly inspired to raise money for the Mentally Ill, I am setting up a non-profit Organization called Out of Darkness & Into The Light, please know if you want to make a difference in someone's life, please donate $1 to our pay pal account, I can honestly say this will go to people who prove there is a need for their medication and they need it bad! Millions donated to the victims of Hurricane Katrina, I am asking you all out there to donate to MENTAL HEALTH DISODERS, as it is becoming a very hard topic to get people to donate to and the system is really under funded and we need to change that and now! We can change this you and me together. This organization will help provide medicine for those who can not afford it, so they don't have to eat dog food or, instead of getting there medicine So remember anyone reading this because of you, I Will Lay my life down, because of you I took another breath today. They don't call me The Zig Ziglar of Mental Health for nothing, please know, if you are suffering right now, that tomorrow can and will get better, I am a walking miracle and if I CAN RECOVER, SO CAN YOU! Because of you!