Rarely, This Happens, You Blue Mooner!

What in the hell do I mean by this, let's walk down a path that is hardly ever traveled by anyone anymore. Well it kind of goes like this. Do you remember Haley's Comet? It only comes by once ever seventy-five years, I would consider it's a big deal. Some folks couldn't even stay up for one of the few nights that you could see this amazing site? How wired is that? I mean what a few nights of less sleep than, they would normally had. Now don't you think that maybe just maybe, that they could catch up on their sleep another night? I mean who knows it may just be a chance of a lifetime, which is what we mean by rarely. I mean you are drunk for all your Childs birthdays and suddenly you die, now looking back do you think that you might have wanted to be sober one of those years? This qualifies as once in a blue moon. Please don't be a blue mooner or you will miss all the great lessons that life has to teach you and who knows it may just be once in a blue moon, the chance that you have just missed will only come around for your grand children and maybe they would have loved to had videos from the last comet, so they could compare them. So are you a blue mooner, do you need to get extra sleep even though you are going to miss the once in the lifetime site? Are you going to drink yourself to death? Are you going to miss all your children's life? Basically what I am asking you this, ARE YOU GONING TO BE A BLUE MOONER? There are many blue mooners out there, but that doesn't mean you have to be one of them! You can rise above the crowd and be in the 1% club. What does this mean? Only one percent of the population will actually use there brain more than once a day or almost never to do anything they consider hard or that requires thinking at all. If you want to be in the 1% club, all you have to do is be one-step above the crowd at the bottom. That's all one piney tinny Winnie step, that's all it takes one dam lousily step and only one percent of the people separate themselves from the crowd. Hello is anyone out there that can hear me are you gonging to take the one small step or are you going to be a blue mooner. The choose is up to you just remember all it take is one little step to separate your self form the crowd at the bottom, are you willing to read that one book or listen to that one tape series on self improvement? I mean come on, one lousy step is all it takes, but you cannot hear because you are drunk and your children pray that your drinking would be a once in a blue mooner, or rarely!