Is Stress Killing You?

Stress is stealing from you by undermining your health,
vitality and well-being. Eighty % of illness and disease is
stress related. Two-thirds of all visits to physicians stem from
stress. Stress is at the root of problems from anxiety to
alcoholism, headaches to hypertension, and irritability to

Health and Well-being are the most precious gifts you will ever
have. Nature has provided the nutrients you need to keep them.
What is this? Adaptogens--natural substances found only in a few
rare plants and herbs. They shield the body against the impact
of stress by balancing and harmonizing the body's systems.

Adaptogens work at the cellular level to improve function of
every cell in the body. They help each cell use its energy by
combining glucose and enzymes. This allows the cell full access
to its energy potential. Positive changes in each cell mean
healthier functioning of every organ and body system. Adaptogens
help your body help itself. They support the built in capacities
of the body's self-regulatory defense system. Adaptogens release
your own innate energy, vitality and strength to help you feel
and be your very best.

To learn more about Adaptogens and its life enhancing properties
please visit

Linda Pickle
Editor--AM-300 Health Scoop