One Decision That Can Change Your Life

There is One Decision that can change your life for the better, forever. When you make this One Decision, you step into the life you yearned for--a life of adventure, commitment, and fulfillment of your heart's desires. You probably do not know at this moment what that decision is or what your life will look like once it is made. You may be uncertain of your worthiness to attain it. No matter: The One Decision will bring you into the life you yearn for! The One Decision will form the basis and context for all the decisions, big and small, that you will make in all the days to follow. As you take this step and make your One Decision, you will see the abundance of the universe, the inexhaustible gifts of spirit, flow in to support you. Your One Decision will be your map, your compass, your North Star, and your challenge as you chart your life course. Let your One Decision be the light of your heart that guides you to a life of MORE -- more of everything you truly desire. Have you ever wondered why relatively few people lead great lives while most people lead average lives at best? Like it or not, we each live the life that we decide to lead. Having a great life requires making a great decision -- the One Decision