Influence People with these 5 Simple Steps

Trying to get others to see your point of view is difficult. Many people are set in their beliefs and nothing you can say will change their minds. Sometimes it really is not worth the fight to try to change someone's mind, but other times it is very important. There are some simple things you can do that will help you in trying to influence people and the way someone else thinks. The following outlines the steps to take to influence people. You can use these steps no matter what you are trying to change their minds about. These steps may seem simple, but it is that fact that make them work so good. Step #1- Explain your viewpoint. This includes using direct facts and supporting your idea. You should also use body language that is inviting and friendly. The main point is to lay everything out and giving them the ability to see all points of view about the subject at hand. Step #2- Listen to their thoughts. Sometimes you may find out something you did not know about the subject by just listening to others. Let them ask questions and answer them in the same straight forward manner you used when explaining your point of view. Do not be condescending or dismiss their ideas. This is a time for building a bridge to get them to see your side. You need to see why they feel like they feel and how you can change that. Step #3- Make sure they even care enough to change their mind. Sometimes you may find you are more passionate about something than someone else. If the other person really does not care they will not be open to changing their mind and will not even take the time to listen to you. You should find someone that really cares about what you care about. If you find they are not 100% interested then you may be fighting a losing battle. Step #4- Make sure you are practical in showing your way works. If you can prove your way is better then it is far easier to change someone's mind. You need some proven evidence that your way is the best way. It is hard to deny facts and proof. Step #5- Ask them to change their mind. You have to ask them to come to your side of things. They may not even realize you have been working to change their mind until you ask. These five steps can help you influence others without being pushy. Most often being pushy ruins any chance of changing someone's mind. You should always be prepared before working to change someone's mind. Because if you can not show you know what you are talking about then they will doubt your choices. Knowing how to influence people can be easy if you are trust worthy and friendly in the process.