Vitamins and Hair Loss

Many women and men are looking for the perfect solution to treat hair loss. Most men and women feel that the outer appearance is very important if you want to be successful. That's why there is great need for hair loss products.. Although there are numerous causes for hair loss, dietary insufficiency is found to be a major one. Hair loss can be caused by a deficiency in B vitamins- especially B6, inositol, Biotin, and folic acid. B vitamins, especially B5 (pantothenic acid) and B3 (Niacin) are an important part in growth of hair follicle. In order to cure hair loss, Vitamin supplement intake should be performed carefully. Reasearch shows that an excessive intake of vitamin B6 by men resulted in stimulated hair growth. Deficiency in folic acid caused complete baldness among some men. The main function of Vitamin E is to transport oxygen in the blood and improves the scalp circulation. Vitamin E enhances the immune function and thereby the health of the hair gets improved. That's why Vitamin E can also be considered a hair loss vitamin. Vitamin E can be consumed @ 400 IU daily. Vitamin C can also be considered a hair loss vitamin since it improves circulation of the scalp and maintains all capillaries, which carry blood to the follicles. This vitamin may be consumed 5,000 mg daily. Other hair loss vitamins are Biotin, Inositol, and B-Vitamins. Biotin maintains the health of the hair. You should eat plenty of food to prevent hair loss due to biotin deficiency. You can also consume 50 mg of Biotin twice daily through food. This will definitely bring fruitful results. The following food is recommended: bulgur, green peas, lentils, walnuts, sunflower seeds, soybeans, oats, bulgur, Brewer's yeast and brown rice. Inositol is also being considered a hair loss vitamin. Take 100 mg twice daily for better hair growth. Excessive intake of Vitamin A can cause hair loss. Once the intake of Vitamin A is stabilized, the hair loss may be stopped. For better growth of hair, B vitamins are necessary. Among the B vitamins, Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) are known as hair loss vitamins. B vitamins are rich in foods like bran, nuts, eggs, soybeans, cauliflower, carrots, peas, and beans. Intake of these vitamins will help to improve quality, texture, and growth of hair.