Success in Life!

<< Success in Life >> Kevin Yeow (SNSI) @Copyright 2005. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Unauthorised reproduction strictly prohibited. There are many ways to pursue success in life . . . Each of us travels by the different pathways to reach success - based on our upbringing, values, beliefs, gifts, talents and pure guts. Some of us will reach our goal very fast. Some will take much longer. Some never. Not even in a lifetime . . . Why is this so? Is one to be more fortunate than another? Is it based on luck - that some are lucky, some are not? I don't think so . . . Let's look at some hard facts! Bill Gates (Microsoft), Paul Allen (Microsoft), Steve Jobs (Apple), Larry Ellison (Oracle), Larry Page (Google), Sergey Brin (Google), Stephen Spielberg (Movie Director), Ted Turner (Turner Networks), Michael Dell (Dell), Ralph Lauren (Fashion Designer) etc are all successful billionaires and multimillionaires who never graduated from college. John Grisham (A Time to Kill), Tom Peters (In Search of Excellence), Deepak Chopra, Mark Twain, Virginia Woolf, D H Lawrence, Edgar Allen Poe, George Bernard Shaw, James Redfield (The Celestine Prophecy) etc are examples of hugely successful authors who self-publish their first major book. J K Rowling (Harry Potter), Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad) etc are hugely successful authors whose first bestseller was rejected by many publishers before a gutsy publisher finally agreed. Was it luck or that they were born on some lucky stars etc? Definitely not . . . Now, what may be the possible explanation & contribution to their success? If we reflect deep enough, we would have arrived at the possibly similar key factors: - (a) Attitude, (b) Character, (c) Knowledge, (d) Skill-sets & (e) Strategic Network. Both Attitudes & Character are crafted from young - thru a lifelong process. One can try to change one's Character & Attitudes to attract success. This may be a difficult process but not altogether impossible. It requires overcoming bad habits & behavioral patterns acquired from one's growing experience. Adjusting for positive change in these areas will depend on how much one is determined to achieve success. Sometimes, it could be some crisis or problems that arise which challenge for this positive change. J K Rowling was a struggling single mother when she wrote her first book on Harry Potter - oftentimes in a restaurant or caf