Be Your Own Best Friend.

How do you be your own best friend? It's simple. Be someone you love to spend your time with. Be someone you'd love to just hang out with on a Saturday night. Be the first person to congratulate yourself whenever you succeed. And be the first person to tell yourself that "it's all ok" when things go wrong. Celebrate your happy moments with a smile. And give yourself an even bigger smile whenever you're feeling down. Spoil yourself with gifts. Shower yourself with love. Enjoy the time that you spend by yourself. And relax. Take yourself out to your favourite restaurant, or prepare your favourite meal and dine at home. Drink your favourite drinks. Play your favourite music. Watch your favourite movie. Soak in the tub, to the gentle flicker of candlelight. Or just sit back on your couch with a nice cold beer after a hard day at work. Don't forget to smile. Love everything about the way you look. If you can't love everything then find just one thing, and focus on it. Love that part of you, and remind yourself all day every day. In time, the boundaries of this love will expand to include your whole body. Tell yourself how great you are. How smart you are. How beautiful you are. Encourage yourself to improve your life, in all areas. Be your biggest supporter. Be your own cheer squad. Love yourself. Forgive yourself for all your past wrong-doings, and forgive yourself for all your future mistakes. Forgive yourself for not being perfect. Forgive all others for the hurt they've given to you. And forgive yourself for receiving that hurt. Believe in yourself. Believe in the goodness in your heart. Believe in your ultimate perfection. Be grateful for who you are. Be grateful for all that is good about you. Be grateful for the challenges you faced in the past, because they have led you to become the person you are today. And be grateful for the challenges you will face in the future, for they will help you grow. In fact, just be grateful. And love yourself. That's how you become your own best friend. Simple, isn't it.